Diving deep into the world of Territorial Cooperation – my first month as an IVY Reporter

Hello everybody! My name is Sara, I come from Italy and in the beginning of December 2022 I started my IVY experience as an Interreg Reporter at the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg CBC Italy – Croatia Programme in Venice.  

The Programme area comprises 25 Italian provinces and 8 Croatian counties overlooking the Adriatic sea and it aims to efficiently address their common challenges. More specifically, the Programme enables regional and local stakeholders from Italy and Croatia to exchange knowledge and experiences, develop and implement pilot actions, test the feasibility of new policies, products and services and to support investments.

As soon as I arrived to the office, I was warmly welcomed by the Venice staff with whom I have been actively cooperating. Furthermore, in the first weeks of January the staff of the JS Antenna which normally works from Zadar came to Venice and, on such occasion, I have also had the pleasure of meeting them and working with them in person. 

During the past month I have had the opportunity to really dive into and contribute to the work carried out by the JS. My main IVY task consists in the collection and categorization of all outputs produced by projects financed during the 2014-2020 programming period in order to foster their effective communication to potential beneficiaries and to the general public in the months to come. 

Besides that, my everyday activities range from helping colleagues with minor communication activities to being involved in the development some of the contents which will soon be published by the Programme.


I am enthusiastic about what I managed to achieve in such a short period of time and I cannot wait to see what the next months as an IVY Reporter have in store for me!

– Sara, IVY Reporter at the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg Italy – Croatia Programme

Discover more about our host organisation

Interreg Programme Italy-Croatia

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