Month: May 2024

My IVY experience as a volunteer for the Interreg project “BeyondSnow”

Hi, I’m Irene, a 25-years-old IVY volunteer for the Interreg Alpine Space project “Beyond Snow” at “Metropolitan City of Turin” and here are some highlights of my experience up to now. During my internship at “Metropolitan City of Turin”, I discovered the opportunity to be an IVY volunteer for an European project connected to rural and mountain development, issues which I’m really interested in. In fact, the project “Beyond Snow” aims to face climate change challenges in ski mountain areas in 6 Alpine Region (Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Slovenia). Regarding the Metropolitan City of Turin the pilot area is formed by the municipality of Ala di Stura and Balme, in the Valli di Lanzo. And so, at the end of February, I started my IVY experience! As Interreg Project Partner, I supported my mentor in mapping territorial data useful for the project, in particular tourist, cultural and human resources to be valorised in the pilot area of the project. After that, I cooperated in designing a participative involvement of the local communities, to discuss strategies for a sustainable development of the area. I took part in those workshops and was so interested in discovering local dynamics, following and participating in the discussion. At the same time, we analysed the data collected with the winter tourist survey, in order to discover what they need more to develop tourism in that area. Furthermore, I supported in writing down questions for the summer survey that will be launched on 17th may. What I learnt thanks to this experience? As a IVY volunteer, I had the opportunity to know how a European project is built and how it works and the opportunity to meet the lead partners. I learnt how to improve tourism in mountain areas and to select what is important for a tourism development, such as cultural and historical heritage, and not only trekking trails. I liked to meet local people when we spread the winter survey among the territorial stakeholders (e.i. owners of farms and local stores, tourism operators): in this way I could know their ideas about the project and their willingness to cooperate to develop tourism valley. What I appreciated most about this experience? Definitely the opportunity to coworking in the development process of this project, to exchange opinions and ideas to empower the mountain areas and the cooperation between project partners of different areas but with common problems. All the activities that I described until now, in my opinion, are functional to promote the cooperation between different European countries and to enhance the power of local communities that have to be involved in the local development. – Irene, IVY project partner for the Interreg Alpine Space project “Beyond Snow” at “Metropolitan City of Turin”. Discover more about the Beyond Snow project Click Here Discover more about the host organisation Click Here

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My IVY experience at the Interreg Italy-France Maritime Programme

Since 3 months, I have been volunteering as an IVY Reporter for the Interreg Italy-France Maritime Programme  in Florence and I am very satisfied and enthusiastic about the experience. Interreg Italy-France Maritime is a cross-border Programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) objective of the EU Cohesion Policy 2021 – 2027. The main objective of the Programme is to contribute to strengthening the economic and social cohesion of the cross-border area by reinforcing sustainable growth, resilience, connectivity, social inclusion and institutional and social cooperation in the European and Mediterranean context. Moreover, the Programme pursues its commitment to support cooperation between the territories of two Member States: France (Corsica and the French departments of the Alpes-Maritimes and Var) and Italy (Tuscany,Liguria and Sardinia). Furthermore, the interventions of the Italy-France Maritime Programme directly affect almost 7.5 million citizens living in the cooperation area. However, the Programme’s objectives are far-reaching and long-term. The actors who can participate in the Programme’s resources are numerous. With five different intervention priorities, Interreg Italy-France Maritime addresses a vast and articulated system of potential beneficiaries, such as: research centers, universities, associations, trade unions, public authorities, small and medium-sized enterprises, transport companies, port authorities, employment services, training organisations, etc… Currently, I am actively involved in supporting the programme through communication activities, helping to promote the objectives and results of the programme at national and european level. In addition, I actively participate in meetings and territorials events, where I have the opportunity to learn more about the Interreg Programme initiatives and projects. This direct involvement enables me to fully understand the complexity and importance of European territorial cooperation. – Niccolò, IVY Reporter for the Managing Authority Interreg Italy-France Maritime Discover more about the Interreg Italy-France Maritime programme Click Here

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Volunteering for the Interreg Europe project GREENHEALTH

Hello everybody! My name is Anna, I am 27 years old, and I am doing my IVY experience as a Project Partner in the Interreg Europe project GREENHEALTH in the offices of the EUROPARC Federation. /*! elementor – v3.21.0 – 08-05-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} GREENHEALTH objectives GREENHEALTH project aims to make EU regions more biodiversity-resilient by improving the management of European Protected Areas through strengthening links as well as strategic & operational collaboration between biodiversity protection and human health & well-being. This objective will be reached through removing environmental barriers and designing friendly spaces, encouraging people to take care of nature and of their own health, and incorporating human health initiatives into Protected Area Programmes. The final goal of the project is to improve regional public policies and to create the right regional contexts to maximize the links between Protected Areas and health and well-being. The Partnership and its role The project partnership is composed of 7 partners from 7 different countries: Spain, Poland, Croatia, Ireland, Slovakia, Sweden, Germany. Each regional partner creates “Local Living Labs” to engage with other entities that can support them achieving the project objectives. They include the biodiversity and medical / public health professionals primarily, including academia. Social sector as well as sports, and sustainable tourism are equally important to create an “enabling system” in support of the policies we aim to achieve. EUROPARC role My host organisation, EUROPARC, covers the role of advisory Partner, supporting the partners through the Healthy Parks, Healthy People Europe Commission. The latter provides subject matter expertise, which includes the use of the Healthy Parks Healthy People Toolkit, which represents a methodological compass to identify good practices and areas that can help supporting public health and conservation outcomes through appropriate use of natural assets. … and finally: My role! I am in charge of the communication and dissemination activities, both through our project’s website and our social media channels. I decided to apply for this opportunity because I was interested in discovering how an Interreg project works from the inside, and I think that thanks to IVY I am gaining a lot of professional expertise, while improving my skills. Plus, I grew up in a Protected Area and I am passionate about sustainable development and nature conservation and restoration, therefore having the chance of being part of the EUROPARC team has been very inspiring and empowering! – Anna, IVY Project Partner for the Interreg Europe project “GREENHEALTH” at EUROPARC Federation Discover more about GREENHEALTH project Click Here Discover more about the host organization Click Here

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WeSTEMEU Initiative: Women for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in Europe

The WeSTEMEU project, under the Interreg Europe Program, emerges as a vital factor in enhancing the presence of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. With a primary focus on empowering women and increasing their participation in these strategic sectors, this initiative will develop a wide range of actions and programs. One of the main objectives of WeSTEMEU is to foster an environment that encourages and supports women to pursue and advance careers in STEM fields. Through providing education, networking opportunities and mentoring programs, WeSTEMEU facilitates women’s access to learning and professional development. Additionally, this initiative seeks ways to address the discrimination and barriers women often encounter in STEM fields. By raising awareness campaigns and advocating for policies that promote equal opportunities, WeSTEMEU aims to create a fair and equitable work environment for all women aspiring to follow their dreams in STEM. In an era where innovation and technology play a pivotal role in social progress, women’s participation in STEM fields is crucial for harnessing full potential and promoting innovation. Through the WeSTEMEU initiative, which promotes equality and the women’s empowerment, gender disparities will be addressed, making the STEM sector more compatible with the social, economic and environmental needs of both genders, while science and technology can benefit from the rich variety of ideas and talents contributed by all voices. As an Electrical and Computer Engineer volunteer, I had the chance to be actively involved in the meetings, while in-depth conversations took place among participants, delving into pivotal topics and emphasizing the significance of strengthening women’s engagement in STEM fields across Western Greece. As an objective of the implementation of the WeSTEMEU, the Region of Western Greece and Institute of Computer Technology & Publications “Diophantus” have undertaken the task of supporting several aspects, notably the participatory consultation process encompassing governmental entities, enterprises and development organizations throughout the broader region. These topics were discussed at the pre-stakeholder meeting held on February 2, 2024, where the upcoming 1st stakeholder meeting was organized. I participated in this meeting, which took place on February 13, 2024, at the Regional Council of Western Greece, where a group of representatives from various organizations was established. The inaugural stakeholder meeting laid the foundation for forming a coalition of delegates from various entities, who will actively monitor and assist the project’s initiatives during their implementation. The attendees offered inputs, recommendations, and their invaluable viewpoints towards achieving the goals of the initiative. I enthusiastically interacted with pertinent stakeholders to provide insights influencing the project’s progress. In this role, I had the chance to increase awareness, facilitating connections and to delve deeper into the project’s objectives. – Ioulia, IVY Project Partner for the Interreg Europe project “WeSTEAMEU” at Computer Technology Intitute and Press “Diophantus” Discover more about the WeSTEMEU project Click Here

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I’m Blue, experience of an IVY volunteer at ATLIC

Hello everyone, today I come to tell you a little about my experience as an IVY volunteer in Lugo, Spain. But first of all, let me introduce myself, I am Marta, a Graphic Design student and for the past two years I have become interested in the world of volunteering.  When I started to participate and be part of activities of this kind, I was quite lost, but a few months ago I had the opportunity to participate in IVY, in a project that fits with what I like the most and what I will dedicate myself to in the future. I didn’t think twice and quickly sent in my application.  The main objective of ATLIC is to raise awareness and educate about the blue economy, as well as demonstrate its importance, as it can be beneficial in many aspects. For this reason, this project has several phases. The first phase starts with each of the associations or partners, who have to gather a group of young people to instruct and help them develop their own ideas through talks, meetings, and workshops, according to the needs of the participants and their ideas.    From there, the second objective of the project would be to connect young people through activities that bring them together for the creation of innovative ideas or prototypes on the blue economy and its various topics. These events are first at a national level and then internationally. In this way, we create a coexistence among people both within and outside the country, not only with similar tastes or interests but also with the same desire to contribute their bit to these activities that seek to promote a more sustainable future. As time passed and I sent in my documents, I learned about ATLIC, an Interreg Atlantic Area project that seeks to raise awareness about the blue economy and how it can help in the future. However, my work was going to be more focused on creating and developing materials for the project, as well as helping in the creation and management of events. All of this is something that personally caught my attention and were more than enough reasons to want to participate in some way. In my case, I not only participate in the different events or activities, but as a volunteer I perform other functions related to graphic design, specifically with the creation of the studio’s identity, branding studio, and the design of other elements that are needed to promote this project.  Since I arrived, I have not only been able to improve in aspects of graphic design, but this opportunity is also helping me connect with other young people with similar goals to mine and learn more about the blue economy and everything it encompasses. I’m blue, and you? – Marta, IVY Project Partner for the Interreg Atlantic Area project “ATLIC – ATLANTIC INNOBLUE COMMUNITIES” at Vida Lactea, SLU Discover more about the Interreg project ATLIC Click Here Discover more about our host organisation Vida Lactea, SLU Click Here

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My IVY experience as a volunteer for the Interreg project “BeyondSnow”

Hi, I’m Irene, a 25-years-old IVY volunteer for the Interreg Alpine Space project “Beyond Snow” at “Metropolitan City of Turin” and here are some highlights of my experience up to now. During my internship at “Metropolitan City of Turin”, I discovered the opportunity to be an IVY volunteer for an European project connected to rural and mountain development, issues which I’m really interested in. In fact, the project “Beyond Snow” aims to face climate change challenges in ski mountain areas in 6 Alpine Region (Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Slovenia). Regarding the Metropolitan City of Turin the pilot area is formed by the municipality of Ala di Stura and Balme, in the Valli di Lanzo. And so, at the end of February, I started my IVY experience! As Interreg Project Partner, I supported my mentor in mapping territorial data useful for the project, in particular tourist, cultural and human resources to be valorised in the pilot area of the project. After that, I cooperated in designing a participative involvement of the local communities, to discuss strategies for a sustainable development of the area. I took part in those workshops and was so interested in discovering local dynamics, following and participating in the discussion. At the same time, we analysed the data collected with the winter tourist survey, in order to discover what they need more to develop tourism in that area. Furthermore, I supported in writing down questions for the summer survey that will be launched on 17th may. What I learnt thanks to this experience? As a IVY volunteer, I had the opportunity to know how a European project is built and how it works and the opportunity to meet the lead partners. I learnt how to improve tourism in mountain areas and to select what is important for a tourism development, such as cultural and historical heritage, and not only trekking trails. I liked to meet local people when we spread the winter survey among the territorial stakeholders (e.i. owners of farms and local stores, tourism operators): in this way I could know their ideas about the project and their willingness to cooperate to develop tourism valley. What I appreciated most about this experience? Definitely the opportunity to coworking in the development process of this project, to exchange opinions and ideas to empower the mountain areas and the cooperation between project partners of different areas but with common problems. All the activities that I described until now, in my opinion, are functional to promote the cooperation between different European countries and to enhance the power of local communities that have to be involved in the local development. – Irene, IVY project partner for the Interreg Alpine Space project “Beyond Snow” at “Metropolitan City of Turin”. Discover more about the Beyond Snow project Click Here Discover more about the host organisation Click Here

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My IVY experience at the Interreg Italy-France Maritime Programme

Since 3 months, I have been volunteering as an IVY Reporter for the Interreg Italy-France Maritime Programme  in Florence and I am very satisfied and enthusiastic about the experience. Interreg Italy-France Maritime is a cross-border Programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) objective of the EU Cohesion Policy 2021 – 2027. The main objective of the Programme is to contribute to strengthening the economic and social cohesion of the cross-border area by reinforcing sustainable growth, resilience, connectivity, social inclusion and institutional and social cooperation in the European and Mediterranean context. Moreover, the Programme pursues its commitment to support cooperation between the territories of two Member States: France (Corsica and the French departments of the Alpes-Maritimes and Var) and Italy (Tuscany,Liguria and Sardinia). Furthermore, the interventions of the Italy-France Maritime Programme directly affect almost 7.5 million citizens living in the cooperation area. However, the Programme’s objectives are far-reaching and long-term. The actors who can participate in the Programme’s resources are numerous. With five different intervention priorities, Interreg Italy-France Maritime addresses a vast and articulated system of potential beneficiaries, such as: research centers, universities, associations, trade unions, public authorities, small and medium-sized enterprises, transport companies, port authorities, employment services, training organisations, etc… Currently, I am actively involved in supporting the programme through communication activities, helping to promote the objectives and results of the programme at national and european level. In addition, I actively participate in meetings and territorials events, where I have the opportunity to learn more about the Interreg Programme initiatives and projects. This direct involvement enables me to fully understand the complexity and importance of European territorial cooperation. – Niccolò, IVY Reporter for the Managing Authority Interreg Italy-France Maritime Discover more about the Interreg Italy-France Maritime programme Click Here

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Volunteering for the Interreg Europe project GREENHEALTH

Hello everybody! My name is Anna, I am 27 years old, and I am doing my IVY experience as a Project Partner in the Interreg Europe project GREENHEALTH in the offices of the EUROPARC Federation. /*! elementor – v3.21.0 – 08-05-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} GREENHEALTH objectives GREENHEALTH project aims to make EU regions more biodiversity-resilient by improving the management of European Protected Areas through strengthening links as well as strategic & operational collaboration between biodiversity protection and human health & well-being. This objective will be reached through removing environmental barriers and designing friendly spaces, encouraging people to take care of nature and of their own health, and incorporating human health initiatives into Protected Area Programmes. The final goal of the project is to improve regional public policies and to create the right regional contexts to maximize the links between Protected Areas and health and well-being. The Partnership and its role The project partnership is composed of 7 partners from 7 different countries: Spain, Poland, Croatia, Ireland, Slovakia, Sweden, Germany. Each regional partner creates “Local Living Labs” to engage with other entities that can support them achieving the project objectives. They include the biodiversity and medical / public health professionals primarily, including academia. Social sector as well as sports, and sustainable tourism are equally important to create an “enabling system” in support of the policies we aim to achieve. EUROPARC role My host organisation, EUROPARC, covers the role of advisory Partner, supporting the partners through the Healthy Parks, Healthy People Europe Commission. The latter provides subject matter expertise, which includes the use of the Healthy Parks Healthy People Toolkit, which represents a methodological compass to identify good practices and areas that can help supporting public health and conservation outcomes through appropriate use of natural assets. … and finally: My role! I am in charge of the communication and dissemination activities, both through our project’s website and our social media channels. I decided to apply for this opportunity because I was interested in discovering how an Interreg project works from the inside, and I think that thanks to IVY I am gaining a lot of professional expertise, while improving my skills. Plus, I grew up in a Protected Area and I am passionate about sustainable development and nature conservation and restoration, therefore having the chance of being part of the EUROPARC team has been very inspiring and empowering! – Anna, IVY Project Partner for the Interreg Europe project “GREENHEALTH” at EUROPARC Federation Discover more about GREENHEALTH project Click Here Discover more about the host organization Click Here

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WeSTEMEU Initiative: Women for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in Europe

The WeSTEMEU project, under the Interreg Europe Program, emerges as a vital factor in enhancing the presence of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. With a primary focus on empowering women and increasing their participation in these strategic sectors, this initiative will develop a wide range of actions and programs. One of the main objectives of WeSTEMEU is to foster an environment that encourages and supports women to pursue and advance careers in STEM fields. Through providing education, networking opportunities and mentoring programs, WeSTEMEU facilitates women’s access to learning and professional development. Additionally, this initiative seeks ways to address the discrimination and barriers women often encounter in STEM fields. By raising awareness campaigns and advocating for policies that promote equal opportunities, WeSTEMEU aims to create a fair and equitable work environment for all women aspiring to follow their dreams in STEM. In an era where innovation and technology play a pivotal role in social progress, women’s participation in STEM fields is crucial for harnessing full potential and promoting innovation. Through the WeSTEMEU initiative, which promotes equality and the women’s empowerment, gender disparities will be addressed, making the STEM sector more compatible with the social, economic and environmental needs of both genders, while science and technology can benefit from the rich variety of ideas and talents contributed by all voices. As an Electrical and Computer Engineer volunteer, I had the chance to be actively involved in the meetings, while in-depth conversations took place among participants, delving into pivotal topics and emphasizing the significance of strengthening women’s engagement in STEM fields across Western Greece. As an objective of the implementation of the WeSTEMEU, the Region of Western Greece and Institute of Computer Technology & Publications “Diophantus” have undertaken the task of supporting several aspects, notably the participatory consultation process encompassing governmental entities, enterprises and development organizations throughout the broader region. These topics were discussed at the pre-stakeholder meeting held on February 2, 2024, where the upcoming 1st stakeholder meeting was organized. I participated in this meeting, which took place on February 13, 2024, at the Regional Council of Western Greece, where a group of representatives from various organizations was established. The inaugural stakeholder meeting laid the foundation for forming a coalition of delegates from various entities, who will actively monitor and assist the project’s initiatives during their implementation. The attendees offered inputs, recommendations, and their invaluable viewpoints towards achieving the goals of the initiative. I enthusiastically interacted with pertinent stakeholders to provide insights influencing the project’s progress. In this role, I had the chance to increase awareness, facilitating connections and to delve deeper into the project’s objectives. – Ioulia, IVY Project Partner for the Interreg Europe project “WeSTEAMEU” at Computer Technology Intitute and Press “Diophantus” Discover more about the WeSTEMEU project Click Here

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I’m Blue, experience of an IVY volunteer at ATLIC

Hello everyone, today I come to tell you a little about my experience as an IVY volunteer in Lugo, Spain. But first of all, let me introduce myself, I am Marta, a Graphic Design student and for the past two years I have become interested in the world of volunteering.  When I started to participate and be part of activities of this kind, I was quite lost, but a few months ago I had the opportunity to participate in IVY, in a project that fits with what I like the most and what I will dedicate myself to in the future. I didn’t think twice and quickly sent in my application.  The main objective of ATLIC is to raise awareness and educate about the blue economy, as well as demonstrate its importance, as it can be beneficial in many aspects. For this reason, this project has several phases. The first phase starts with each of the associations or partners, who have to gather a group of young people to instruct and help them develop their own ideas through talks, meetings, and workshops, according to the needs of the participants and their ideas.    From there, the second objective of the project would be to connect young people through activities that bring them together for the creation of innovative ideas or prototypes on the blue economy and its various topics. These events are first at a national level and then internationally. In this way, we create a coexistence among people both within and outside the country, not only with similar tastes or interests but also with the same desire to contribute their bit to these activities that seek to promote a more sustainable future. As time passed and I sent in my documents, I learned about ATLIC, an Interreg Atlantic Area project that seeks to raise awareness about the blue economy and how it can help in the future. However, my work was going to be more focused on creating and developing materials for the project, as well as helping in the creation and management of events. All of this is something that personally caught my attention and were more than enough reasons to want to participate in some way. In my case, I not only participate in the different events or activities, but as a volunteer I perform other functions related to graphic design, specifically with the creation of the studio’s identity, branding studio, and the design of other elements that are needed to promote this project.  Since I arrived, I have not only been able to improve in aspects of graphic design, but this opportunity is also helping me connect with other young people with similar goals to mine and learn more about the blue economy and everything it encompasses. I’m blue, and you? – Marta, IVY Project Partner for the Interreg Atlantic Area project “ATLIC – ATLANTIC INNOBLUE COMMUNITIES” at Vida Lactea, SLU Discover more about the Interreg project ATLIC Click Here Discover more about our host organisation Vida Lactea, SLU Click Here

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