My experience as an IVY Reporter at the Managing Authority of Alcotra Programme in Lyon

Hello everyone! My name is Lavinia Agostinelli and a month ago I started my experience as an IVY volunteer at the Managing Authority of the Interreg ALCOTRA Program in Lyon.

The ALCOTRA Program operates in the cross-border Alpine area between France and Italy and has five main objectives: to tackle environmental challenges, to respond to the consequences of the health crisis, to test new forms of territorial cooperation, to overcome cross-border obstacles and to make the economy of the ALCOTRA area more dynamic.

The aspect that I find most interesting about this Interreg Program and which I am personally involved in is the Youth Council: this is a new cunsultative body, created in July 2022 and made up of some fifteen young representatives of the ALCOTRA territory, which was born out of the need to give a voice to the needs of the young generations. The Youth Council actively participates at each Monitoring Committee, make propositions to improve the development of the cross-border Alpine region and follow the projects funded by the Programme.

In particular, I support the communication strategies through which the Council promotes and represents the Interreg ALCOTRA Program at the events in which the Council is invited.

For example, on the occasion of the ALCOTRA 2021-2027 Program launch event, the ALCOTRA Youth Council was involved in several activities during the two days of 28 and 29 November in Courmayeur and Chamonix.

On the 28th, the Youth Council participated in the Citizen’s Café at the Skyway in Courmayeur and was then involved in the selection of the three “coup de coeur” projects at the Forum held in the afternoon in Chamonix.

During the day of 29 November, the Youth Council was the protagonist of the animation of the three round tables, during which the young people were able to ask a series of questions to the elected representatives and technicians present.


I think it was a very good opportunity for young people to get to grips with European policies and to understand how they work in practice on the ground. It was also a very formative experience for me in terms of both organisation and content because it allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and get involved in a big event.


– Lavinia, IVY Reporter for the Managing Authority Interreg France-Italy Alcotra

Discover more about the ALCOTRA Youth Council

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