Volunteering for the MYSEA project in Tunisia

Since the beginning of my IVY Volunteer experience within the ENI CBC-Med project “MY SEA: Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and women advancing Skills, Employment and Awareness in the blue and green economy” I am participating and supporting the activities for the implementation of the project in Tunisia with the Union Tunisienne de Solidarité Sociale (UTSS), one of the six partners of the project.

During my first month volunteering, I could already witness the importance given to the Tunisian local community. The project tackles a group considered vulnerable in the professional insertion, such as young, women and Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs) and aim to insert them in the professional world combining economic actors and formation trainings specialized in the agrifood and waste management sectors.

We launched the form for the candidature of 250 beneficiaries who will participate in trainings to improve their employability, thanks to the strengthening of their digital, sector-related, and transversal skills, with the aim of reducing the skills mismatch while strongly contributing to two fields that will provide a sustainable and eco-responsible impact on the Tunisian context: the agri-food and waste management sectors. The project will finally lead to the professional insertion of young willing Tunisian within enterprises, but not only! It will also contribute to the creation of three associations within the field of agrifood and waste management, a long-term solution that will hopefully contribute to the development and continuation of this action.

Last week the Union Tunisienne de la Solidarité Sociale (UTSS) organized a meeting with the experts to discuss the logistical aspects of the trainings that will soon start for young Tunisian people and women in the region of Grand Tunis and two Tunisian Governorates: Nabeul and Bizerte.

The transnationality of the project embraces a partnership without borders: as an IVY volunteer I am participating in meetings with all project partners (Centro Informazione Educazione e Sviluppo (CIES Onlus); the University of Palermo – Department of Agricultural,Food and Forestry Sciences, the EuroTraining Educational Organisation in Greece, Lebanese Development Network (LDN) in Lebanon, the Jordan University of Science and Technology, and the Tunisian Union of Social Solidarity (UTSS). As an IVY volunteer, I am contributing to the continuous exchange and dialogue of good ideas and knowledge in the project.

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