
This activity addressed a group of youngsters living in the Seville, Spain, who form part of minorities such as immigrants.

Together we can

“Together we can” is an environmental youth led clean-up movement that will take place in three European countries: Greece, Albania and Bulgaria.

Interreg for a sustainable Crete

This Citizens’ Engagement Activity is organized as a series of events that will spread in 5 major Cretan cities for 5 days, aiming to raise awareness about Interreg projects where the Region and municipalities of Crete are participating as project partners.

The fourth decade of Interreg in Galicia

This Citizens’ Engagement Activity represents a multi-level conversation concerning failures and successes of Interreg from the scope of the autonomous region of Galicia and its Euroregion, while also presenting the new 2021-2027 framework. Its conclusions shall serve as a preparation for the upcoming Conference on the Future of Europe.