REGALNICA – Obtaining distribution data on European green tree frog with the help of citizen science and the involvement of the local people and youth

14-16/05/2022, Škocjan caves, Slovenia

Regalnica was a two-day-long event with over 50 participants. The event’s main objectives were to inform the participants about the cohesion policy and gather data about the European tree frog (Hyla arborea) with the help of citizen science.


On the first day, Marko Pukšič gave a lecture about cohesion policy and opportunities for young people, later we were divided into multiple groups; each group got their own unique map of pond locations where these frogs have been previously found. All together we checked more than 100 ponds and other water bodies and confirmed the presence of this frog in over 25 of them. On the second day of the event, we had the opportunity to visit the wonderful Škocjan caves and go for a bike ride with electric bikes around the regional park.

I would like to thank Park Škocjanske jame for hosting us and giving us the possibility to visit the caves. Also, a big thank you to all the people from FAMNIT who helped with the organization of this event and the Center of cartography of fauna and flora for providing us with the data of previously known locations of the European tree frogs. I would especially like to thank AEBR for making this event possible. 

Sara, IVY Volunteer at “University of Primorska”

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