Together we can

03-06-09/04/2022, in Greece, Albania and Bulgaria

“Together we can” is an environmental youth led clean-up movement that will take place in three European countries: Greece, Albania and Bulgaria.

This event promotes the core values of civic engagement through an active on- and off- campus learning experience . Within the framework of the European Year of Youth, the participants are educated on the importance of youth involvement to indorse a culture of environmental sustainability between the three European regions in the context of the Cohesion Policy.

Working all together for a common goal (realisation of the environmental activity) and receiving information about the European Cohesion Policy and the actions implemented by Interreg Programmes and IVY, participants are able to understand the importance of European cooperation and realise that EU Cohesion Policy is an important tool in order to eliminate the imbalances between their countries and enhance their economic and social development.

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