Hello, everyone! My name is Dana and for a whole month I have been voluntering in the Estonia-Latvia programme project “Smart Living”.
The main goal of this project is to raise public awareness about environmentally friendly lifestyle and smart use of energy resources in Latvia and Estonia, combining knowledge and competence of organization in both countries.
Project lead partner is Green and Smart Technology Cluster and project partners are Vidzemes Planning Region and Tartu regional Energy Agency. In order to educate and encourage the society to change their daily routine in favour of energy efficiency, all three project partners together organize seminars and workshops for households and real estate managers, as well as for owners of industrial and commercial businesses.

My task in the organization is related to public relations and communication management, meaning, administration of the social media, communication with the local media as well as informing people of the benefits and importance of environmentally friendly use of energy. Also I have been introducing people to the interactive “Smart Living” tool, that helps to understand the energy usage in one’s household and gives advices to make it more energy efficient.

Last month I was able to participate in the Green Tech Cluster’s organized online event “The biggest challenges for increasing energy efficiency in apartment buildings”, that gave an insight into challenges in decision-making process to improve energy efficiency in apartment building such as home ventilation, renovation processes and creation of a pipeline for energy retrofitting. This was also a great opportunity for me to understand the concept of the interactive tool “Smart Living” as it was discussed and demonstrated during the webinar. In total, 75 participants registered for the event and 50 participants took part in it. During April both online and face to face activities are planned.

I am very excited to participate in this project and to be a part of raising awareness of green thinking and sustainable living. I am improving my professional skills, getting to know quite a few inspiring and knowledgable people, gaining knowledge on environmentally-friendly lifestyle and learning about ways to save energy. Grateful to continue to give my contribution to the team and be a messenger of the benefits of sustainable living and energy effiecient living spaces.
Dana Linina, IVY Project Partner at Green and Smart Technology Cluster Society for the Interreg Project “Smart Living”