Hey! I am Klara and currently an IVY-reporter at the Joint Secretariat Interreg Flanders – the Netherlands. The team was very welcoming, open and warm (even when the heating didn’t work for a moment 😉 ). I felt immediately part of the team! Last week there was the New Year’s dinner and that was quite a memorable evening!

I started at Interreg in full closing event period which was really nice, because then there’s a lot to do. There were lots of interesting events planned! My first week I went to two events already: Care2Adapt (about tackling the growing staff shortage in the health sector) and C-4CE (about circular economy)! The latter was in Breda and there I met Krusha, the other IVY-reporter at Interreg Flanders – the Netherlands, for the first time. Since then we’ve been going to several events together and these are always even more fun!
After those first closing events during my first week at Interreg, many more followed. Not all of them were in my area of expertise, but all the more interesting to learn about them. There are four main topics, namely strengthening innovation, support for energy efficiency and renewable energy, protecting the environment and supporting labor mobility. For instance, I learned about bio-based non-isocyanate polyurethane (short ‘BioNIPU’) and about offshore seaweed cultivation (‘Wier & Wind’) and the interesting applications of seaweed, including seaweed chips (really yummy!). Other projects dealt with corrosion research (‘Praktijklab Corrosie & Isolatie’), retention in the healthcare sector (‘Blijf aan Z’) and challenge-based learning (‘G.R.A.M.’), to name a few more. You learn a lot about all kinds of projects, relevant social and scientific topics and you meet a lot of people.

So far, this new IVY adventure has been very interesting and fun! I am very excited for the rest of this experience!
– Klara, IVY Reporter at Joint Secretariat Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland.