IVY volunteers present the European projects in which they are actively involved

Santiago de Compostela, 26th December. Last December a meeting took place between the IVY volunteers of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce and the Foundation, in which each participant could present the main ideas of the projects they are working on and share their experience as volunteers. In our case, we talked about the Rural Youth […]

Life as: an IVY Volunteer @Managing Authority INTERREG 2021-2027

Hey everyone! I am Maria, a 23 year-old Greek IVY Volunteer. My volunteer experience is based in my hometown Thessaloniki, Greece where I volunteer for the Managing Authority (MA) INTERREG 2021-2027, as an Interreg Reporter. Let me walk you through my first month of volunteering.  So, for starters, The Managing Authority (MA) INTERREG 2021-2027, based […]

My volunteering experience in Madeira

Olá a todos! Hi everyone! My name is João, I´m 23 years old and I am a Portuguese IVY Volunteer for the Interreg MAC project IMPLAMAC at Direção Regional do Mar in Madeira. This project aims to evaluate, with a common methodology, the microplastics abundance in different species of characteristic fish in the Macaronesian region. […]

My first months as an volunteer for “Community4Innovation”

Greetings to everyone! I am Ioannis, I am from Greece and I am volunteering in Athens for the Interreg Euro-MED “Community4Innovation” project. For the past two months I have been an IVY Project Partner at Dynamic Vision, where I was warmly welcomed, and I already have so much to share with fellow volunteers.  Community4Innovation is […]

Being a volunteer for the ENI CBC MED project ENSERES

Hola! I’m Farah Mejri, a 22-year-old Tunisian volunteer participating in the ENSERES project as an IVY volunteer. This incredible initiative stands for “Enhancing Socio-Ecological Resilience in Mediterranean Coastal Areas.” It’s all about tackling the pressures that overexploitation, population growth, governance, and climate change exert on the Mediterranean coastal and marine areas, endangering biodiversity and the […]