“FAME EUROPE”: Food, Art, Movement and Energy, a holistic approach of cultural, naturalistic, economic and social aspects of Europe

16-17 /10/2021, Aigion, Greece

This CEA is named “FAME EUROPE” and its main goal is to engage young stakeholders (from 15-30 years old) into discussing the added value of Cohesion Policy in their home town and region and understanding how the European Cohesion Policy is improving citizens’ quality of life, supporting local and traditional businesses increasing competitiveness in globalized market, creating integrated, modern and customized tourism offers for different target tourists based on naturalistic and cultural heritage, developing a network of economic and institutional stakeholders. 

“Join a seminar to learn about Cohesion Policy and its impact to individuals. Come to our hometown to see the benefits yourself in front of your eyes !!!”

This event took place in Aigion, Greece.

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