Projects under this priority aim at:
Assisting in the adaptation to climate change through investment in innovative ecosystems and risk prevention;
Preserving and protecting the environment, promoting resource efficiency with new technologies, common standards and the development of natural and cultural heritage sites;
Helping to shift towards a low-carbon economy introducing renewable resources, energy efficiencies, smart distribution, sustainable mobility, and new technologies
Participating Projects:
Awakening everyone's potential for climate protection and make it effective
Improving joint environmental monitoring in the Black Sea Basin
The Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community
Innotavive solutions for tourism impact on cultural and natural heritage sites
Winter Islands Network for all year round tourism experience in the Mediterranean
Developing ecotourism in Mediterranean protected areas
Developing, managing and promoting ecotourism in the Mediterranean Basin
Developing biodiversity protection and local economy in Carpathian Area
EmPOWERing and catalyzing an ecosystem-based Sustainable Development
Excellence in heritage management in central Europe
Innovation in Waste Management Policies
Improved Environment and Resource Efficiency through use of Life Cycle Instruments
Green Public Procurement and Sustainability Tools for Resource Efficiency
MARine Litter cross-border awarenESS and innovation actions
Opportunities for regional growth by cultural heritage of fIshing communities
Environmental Management Enhancement by Youth
Promoting respect for the environment and populations in the Mediterranean area
Promoting the region as destination for cultural expe-rience & historical tourism
Wonders, Waterways and Stories on E4 and Geoparks of the Eastern Mediterranean
Development of Forest trail in LV & LT and expanding the Baltic Coastal Hiking route
A shared network of innovative and civic ecological reconnections
Effectiveness of Environmental Urban policies to improve Resources Efficiency
Improving the quality of the tourism system, enhancing and innovating the existing reality
Promotion of Educational Tourism for Boosting the Natural and Cultural Heritage
Management coordination and recovery strategies for sludge and organic waste
Recovery of by-products and wastewater from the canning industry in the POCTEP space
Promotion of natural and cultural heritage to develop sustainable tourism in protected areas
A transnational strategy for prevention & management of natural hazards in mountain area
Nature Based Solutions for Domestic Water Reuse in Mediterranean Countries
The MEDiterranean pathWAY toward an urban-rural development of water resources
Knowing CIRCuLar ECONomy in Black Sea Basin
Enchancing the Entrepreneurship of SMEs in Circular Economy of the Agri-Food Chain
Green Hydrogen Mobility for Alpine Region Transportation
ADAPTation Capacity Strengthening for Highly Affected and Exposed Territories in the Alps NOW
Promotion of whale watching ecotourist activity as a model of sustainability
Minimising Energy Consumption for Green Buildings respecting present uses and public needs
Boosting Circular Economy Innovation through emerging technologies application
Develop cross-border management for safeguard and restoration of Natura 2000 sites in the MAB area of the Julian Alps and Karst
Low Carbon Concrete for Arctic Climate with Excellent Sustainability and Durability
Innovative solutions for the rural food production sector to diversify into sustainable culinary tourism service
Urban Regenerative Water Avant-garde(N)