Info session on Interreg Volunteer Youth: For everyone working with young people

Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) is an initiative by the European Commission and the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) to promote European Territorial Cooperation. IVY enables young people to contribute with their skills, knowledge and creativity to programmes and projects of cooperation referred to as Interreg. Our mission and goal is to strengthen their communication and implementation.

IVY’s team launches an online info session on 4 October 2023 at 11:30 CEST to present the initiative and show how to take part in it, covering following aspects:

  • What is Interreg Volunteer Youth?
  • Who are IVY volunteers and who is eligible apply?
  • What does volunteering for Interreg mean in practice?
  • Who are hosts of IVY volunteers?
  • How to apply?

Representatives from all youth organisation, EUROPE DIRECT centres, youth workers and organisations working with youth or on EU information, are invited to join this online info session on Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) to grow familiar with the action and share the opportunity with young people they are in contact with.

The Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) initiative started in 2017 and over 850 volunteers have already taken part, promoting regional cooperation all over Europe and beyond.

The volunteers appreciate the possibility to express their ideas and creativity as well as to contribute with their skills to European Territorial Cooperation and see its results first hand.

“I have learned a lot about #EU cohesion policy, discovered different projects and seen how regions sharing the same border work together to promote common policies and actions that bring these countries closer together.”

Aroa, IVY Reporter at the Swiss National Contact Point Interreg Upper-Rhine.

The IVY programme brings together people who want to support cooperation across borders. As such, IVY is a unique opportunity for young people to directly be involved in Interreg projects and programmes and have a lasting impact on European cooperation. Young people enhance the visibility and impact of European Territorial Cooperation and become part of a community of actors supporting Interreg projects and programmes, helping promote European values.

The application process is quick and simple through our dedicated platform. Young people can apply directly to the open missions that fits their interest. AEBR’s team takes care of administrative aspects, so that volunteers and mentors can focus on their collaboration and experience. Also, volunteers receive a financial support and are fully insured directly by AEBR.

To discover more about this unique opportunity for young people, join the online info session on 4 October 2023.

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