Youth for Future

Children and Representatives from 20 different youth organizations from Lithuania and Latvia took part in this workshop in Balsiai Summer Camp to create a network of youth who will become ambassadors of Interreg in Akmene District and in Latvia Auce District.

Wildlife tracking

Through ‘Wildlife tracking with locals’ our IVY volunteer Hanna Ollos, invited local citizens to join us for the active outdoor wildlife tracking workshop and learn about the different projects that contribute to nature conservation in the Triglav region through the support from the European Cohesion Policy.

Capturing Beech Forests

Our IVY Cristina Lemo organised a photo collection and exhibition about beech forests to show the biodiversity around Europe and how this diversity is connected thanks to European Cohesion Policy.

Discover Beech Symposium

Our volunteer Rebecca Hollely organised an interactive symposium around the theme of beech forests, with local speakers from several EU environmental projects, and international guest speakers from the European Beech Forest Network.

Una Europa Infinita

In the framework of the European Cooperation Day, our IVY volunteer Sara Pettinelli together with Interreg Sudeo organised this event in Cantabria University, where the participants discussed how to improve communication of European projects and later, those debates were the subject of a paper which was circulated among EU stakeholders.