Navigando fra la Politiche di Coesione: i benefici delle politiche di Coesione per i nostri mari – Navigating through EU Cohesion Policies: the benefits of Cohesion Policies for our seas

27th May 2023 – Trieste, Italy

On Saturday, May the 27th, the citizens’ engagement activity “Navigando fra le Politiche di Coesione, i benefici delle Politiche di Coesione per i nostri mari” was held at the Bioma of Riserva Naturale di Miramare, Trieste.

The event was organised by Chiara Volponi, IVY project partner at Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia. Moreover, the event was held concurrently with the info day of the project MARLESS, on which Chiara is volunteering as an IVY.

Navigando fra le politiche di Coesione had the purpose of providing an understanding of the role and functioning of Cohesion Policies along with shedding light on the crucial role of Cohesion Policies in safeguarding our seas.

Indeed, the event has drawn attention to the importance of territorial cooperation in relation to the marine environment, which represents a space where cooperation becomes essential to cope with common challenges. To successfully address a reflection on Cohesion Policies as vital tools for improving the conditions for a more inclusive and sustainable Europe and the benefit of territorial cooperation for safeguarding the marine environment, young people and the general public were involved in a presentation delivered by Chiara Volponi and Nicolò Tudorov, organizational position for Community programming and Sustainable development at Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia.



The presentation provided insights about Cohesion Policies and concrete examples of regional territorial cooperation involving the sea and it created a dynamic exchange of ideas and thoughts and it answered some of the questions of the participants.

To follow, a nature-based learning experience consisting of small boat tours within the natural reserve of Miramare, encouraged the participants to further reflects on the vital importance of the intervention of Cohesion Policies in coping with the problems which the marine environment faces every day. Interestingly, by experiencing the natural beauty and the biodiversity of the Adriatic Sea, participants expressed their willingness to be more active and informed citizens, particularly in regard to what as European citizens can be done to preserve the marine environment.

Finally, the event was concluded with a networking refreshment where participants brought interesting reflections while enjoying some food and drinks. In particular, the event raises an interesting issue to reflect upon: Young people considerably trust the European Union’s action in dealing with big challenges and thus they demand a European Union that fosters youth engagement, staring form more civic education in schools.

Credit: Photos and text by Chiara Volponi

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